World Sex Organization

OIE-World Organisation for Health, Organisation mondiale de la santé e, Organización Mundial de Saniman

UNWTO promotes travel facilitation as a means to boost economic growth around the world.

Some people fancy all health care debates to be a case of Canadian Health Care vs. American. Not so. According to the World Health Organization’s ranking of the

Gender-Equity-Human rights website home page with definition of the three terms and of the coordinated approach chosen.

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World Sex Organization 77

Director-General brings ambitious agenda for change to World Health Assembly

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Reporting the news from a Christian worldview—interpreting world events under the reality of the Christian faith.

The World Health Organization (WHO; French: Organisation mondiale de la santé) is a specialized agency of the United Nations that is concerned with …

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World Sex Organization 76

Gallup has more data and insights on the attitudes and behaviors of employees, customers, students and citizens than any other organization in the world.

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World Sex Organization 98

Lesbian, gay, & bisexual topics All about gay marriages: (a.k.a. same-sex marriages & SSM), civil unions, & domestic partnerships).

Inclusive, comprehensive, supportive sexuality and relationships info for teens and emerging adults.

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