Leg Raise

Leg Raise 55

Leg Raise 71

Leg Raise 109

Peripheral nerve assessment and treatment is an important component of a lumbar spine or lower quarter examination. To the right, is a complimentary video from our insider access library on lower extremity peripheral nerve testing.

The straight leg raise, also called Lasègue’s sign, Lasègue test or Lazarević’s sign, is a test done during a physical examination to determine whether a patient with low back pain has an underlying herniated disc, often located at L5 (fifth lumbar spinal nerve).

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Our Leg Raise Chair shares the design elements with our selectorized and plate-loaded equipment, matching the equipment in your well-designed facility.

The leg raise is a strength training exercise which targets the iliopsoas (the interior hip flexors).Because the abdominal muscles are used isometrically to stabilize the body during the motion, leg raises are also often used to strengthen the rectus abdominis muscle and the internal and external oblique muscles.

Leg Raise 77

Leg Raise 59

Leg Raise 61

Leg Raise 120

Leg Raise 117

Leg Raise 66

Hanging Leg Raise instruction video & exercise guide! Learn how to do hanging leg raise using correct technique for maximum results!

Starting Position 1: Lay on the right side with the legs extended straight to the side and feet together with toes pointing straight ahead. …

4 FOR THE CORE, EXERCISE 1: BENT-LEG RAISE. Lying in the starting position for the sit-up, place the fingers of both hands underneath the small of the back.

Lying Floor Leg Raise instruction video & exercise guide! Learn how to do lying floor leg raise using correct technique for maximum results!

Leg Raise 26

Our Dip/Chin/Leg Raise shares the design elements with our selectorized and plate-loaded equipment, matching the equipment in your well-designed facility.